


其他品牌手机维修 今日: 0|主题: 2284|排名: 29 

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改装l6l7送话器 attachment 东LSD 2009-4-29 1 / 1113 披荆斩棘 2009-4-29 21:43
5200 768851477 2009-4-21 1 / 1215 li2007 2009-4-28 11:37
解所有摩托罗拉手机话机锁 attachment 高留杰 2008-11-21 8 / 1687 zhengbiao 2009-4-25 22:17
所有手机功放问题大集合 65816633 2009-4-25 0 / 895 65816633 2009-4-25 20:54
n72图纸 attachment fzpxcj 2009-3-10 2 / 1170 dayang2 2009-4-25 10:24
诺基亚N73机型电路图纸 attachment 长远通讯店 2008-9-11 5 / 1733 qiaochang2 2009-4-23 14:49
提供 PPC CDMA手机的解锁工具中文版 wlovef2008 2009-4-22 0 / 890 wlovef2008 2009-4-22 12:21
关于MMBR901LT1应用 无声片 2009-4-21 0 / 872 无声片 2009-4-21 10:22
诺基亚5200 的屏 a263689904 2008-8-16 1 / 1285 经常见 2009-4-19 00:28
d508经验分享 独异于人 2007-4-5 1 / 2031 zhengbiao 2009-4-15 11:17
3146的功放的工作原理及维修方法 attach_img xiaohe136297 2009-4-12 2 / 1208 cycjcq 2009-4-15 11:09
77328功放 attach_img xiaohe136297 2009-4-12 0 / 946 xiaohe136297 2009-4-12 11:58
功放3146和3166发射关机之终极必杀招 attachment xiaohe136297 2009-4-12 0 / 1007 xiaohe136297 2009-4-12 11:41
I323原理图和PCB图 attachment xiaohe136297 2009-4-12 0 / 959 xiaohe136297 2009-4-12 09:03
mt6318 attachment xiaohe136297 2009-4-12 0 / 885 xiaohe136297 2009-4-12 08:47
MT手机低电关机请进好用 attachment wjk198809 2009-4-11 0 / 1007 wjk198809 2009-4-11 06:42
功放短接 attachment wuhuayc 2007-12-11 7 / 2302 xiaohe136297 2009-4-10 16:27
杂牌机Q300A开机白屏.X6011无信号维修心得,希望大家多挣钱 trh1975 2009-4-3 1 / 2570 qq271579496 2009-4-7 01:41
灯不亮 trh1975 2009-4-3 1 / 1210 wowoowo 2009-4-3 18:45
修M638按键全失灵的维修心得 trh1975 2009-4-3 1 / 1285 工程师像吗 2009-4-3 16:55
6600[1].6230.7610维修心得 trh1975 2009-4-3 0 / 1161 trh1975 2009-4-3 15:23
C300-C350解锁指令 trh1975 2009-4-3 0 / 911 trh1975 2009-4-3 14:06
上传摩托V3必杀图片大全 attach_img JZJQ 2009-3-30 0 / 953 JZJQ 2009-3-30 16:46
联想I950原理图 attachment guozhenfu 2007-10-24 6 / 1860 巴西豆子 2009-3-27 14:21
国产手机出现 wowoowo 2009-3-21 2 / 1083 wowoowo 2009-3-23 18:50
d908电路图 attachment spring8311 2009-3-19 0 / 848 spring8311 2009-3-19 22:22
i am saving money to buy a new phone tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 845 tsekasam 2009-3-18 22:51
today's component is so small tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 859 tsekasam 2009-3-18 22:49
today so many people in phone market tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 871 tsekasam 2009-3-18 22:48
for SE,what is the latest release model tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 817 tsekasam 2009-3-18 22:42
how many phone have you got? tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 880 tsekasam 2009-3-18 22:40
how many people use nokia now? tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 778 tsekasam 2009-3-18 22:39
sony ericson vs nokia tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 800 tsekasam 2009-3-18 22:36
my nokia 5800 mobile is not working now tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 1060 tsekasam 2009-3-18 22:34
today is very hot tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 873 tsekasam 2009-3-18 00:55
any people know how to flash a nokia phone? tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 922 tsekasam 2009-3-18 00:54
excep wah chiang bei,any other place to buy components? tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 940 tsekasam 2009-3-18 00:52
do you have nokia library 3.0? tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 943 tsekasam 2009-3-18 00:50
blackerry circuit diagram wanted tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 903 tsekasam 2009-3-18 00:48
就是要修論壇 tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 872 tsekasam 2009-3-18 00:43
this is a very good site,is there any other site like this? tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 902 tsekasam 2009-3-18 00:35
I WANT 5800 DIAGRAM tsekasam 2009-3-18 0 / 904 tsekasam 2009-3-18 00:12
联想解锁TI芯片指令大全 高留杰 2008-11-22 3 / 4015 zhengbiao 2009-3-17 22:38
e680i图纸 wuhuayc 2007-12-30 2 / 1717 xteb2b 2009-3-17 20:18
请问在哈尔滨和平医院附件有没有手机维修?? ptzhengji 2009-3-14 1 / 1137 雪之羽翼 2009-3-16 19:02
摩托e770v维修原理图 attachment 5282200 2008-7-10 10 / 2407 Kk19800915 2009-3-15 13:55
N78闪屏,最后彻底黑屏,是怎么回事 woaini117 2009-3-8 3 / 4014 Kk19800915 2009-3-14 21:59
MT6318电源管理图 attachment gxb132 2008-10-22 7 / 1735 Kk19800915 2009-3-14 14:19
天基168手机 是双卡双待吗? xuerong 2009-3-14 0 / 888 xuerong 2009-3-14 11:51
多普达各种型号硬起方法 shouzi2008 2008-8-24 10 / 4182 Leeo 2009-3-13 23:23
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